Annotation: The aim of the article is developing pupils’ vocabulary and giving instruction to young teachers different ways of teaching presenting vocabulary.

Key words: dictionary, demonstrates, memorization, multiple exposureillustration, mime, definition, gradable items, translation, contex,

First of all, the teacher should give a concise definition of the new word. That means to give a definition describing the new word using only few words and not to use the word in context at this point. It is similar to a definition in a dictionary. Afterwards, the teacher should describe in detail what the word means and describe its qualities or even the appearance. In addition to that he should give examples of how to use the new word correctly in a sentence.

Another way could be to illustrate the word on the board so that the students do have an image of the word in mind. The teacher can either draw a picture on the backboard or bring photos or the object itself to class. The teacher does also have the possibility to demonstrate in front of the class what the word`s meaning is by acting it out. He could even use it in context, so to speak in a whole well-chosen sentence or a story that describes best its meaning and also demonstrates how the word can be used.

Another step could be that the teacher asks the students to find synonyms or antonyms (opposites) or the class can even try to find them together and collect them on the board. The last point is to translate the English word into German which is not a very good way because the students should use the English language as much as possible and learn to express themselves by using the English language.

It is always important that the teacher pronounces the new word before he spells or writes it on the board. Firstly, there should be the “science” and then the “character”. The students should know how to pronounce and use the word in spoken language before they use it in written language and write whole texts using new words. 

The ways and techniques of the vocabulary presenting are important for the vocabulary acquisition. The teacher must take into account what item is presented because some techniques are more suitable for particular word types and some are less. Most of the researchers agree that the item “should not be presented in isolation and should not be learned rote memorization. It is important that new vocabulary items be presented in context rich enough to provide clue to meaning and that students be given multiple exposure to items they should learn.”

I found a list of several ways how to present new vocabulary on the web guaranteed by the British Council and BBC World Service and because I like it I decided to copy it here:

–  Illustration – This is very useful for more concrete words (dog, rain, tall) and for visual learners. It has its limits though, not all items can be drawn.

–  Mime – This lends itself particularly well to action verbs and it can be fun and memorable.        

–  Synonyms/Antonyms/Gradable items – Using the words a students already knows can be effective for getting meaning across.

–  Definition – Make sure that it is clear (maybe check in a learner dictionary before the lesson if you are not confident). Remember to ask questions to check they have understood properly.

–  Translation – If you know the students’ L1, then it is fast and efficient.

Remember that not every word has a direct translation.  

–  Context – Think of a clear context when the word is used and either describe it to the students or give them example sentences to clarify meaning further.

But the techniques are not all. As Earl W. Stevick points out, the success in helping people to acquire language depends “not only on the techniques you use, but also on how you, and what you do, affect their attitudes toward the language and the people who use it.”

Using literatures:

  1. Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. India: Cambridge University Press, 2003.
  2. Cameron, L. (2001). Teaching languages to young learners. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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